
If your School is a member of the Michigan High School Athletic Association you are not permitted to enter this event as a team, you can however enter as an individual.

If you want your entire team to enter the race, enter them as individuals, skip the pay screen, give us a heads up and we will give them the team price. It's super fast and easy.

You can enter as a team if you are independent of the MHSAA

Team Information


Waiver Information

In consideration of being permitted to participate in any way with the Michigan Cross Country 2024 Championships the undersigned:

  1. Agrees and represents that I understand the nature of track and field and that I am qualified, in good health, and proper physical condition to participate. I also agree that if at any time I believe conditions to be unsafe, I will discontinue further participation in the district and state meet.
  2. Fully understand that athletic activities involve risks of serious injury, permanent disability, paralysis, and death and social losses which might result not only from their actions or negligence, but the actions or negligence of others, the rules of play, or the condition of the tournament site or any of the equipment used. There may be other risks not known or foreseeable at this time.
  3. Agree that the parents or a legal guardian will inspect the facilities and equipment to insure proper safety for the minor participants. If anything is believed to be unsafe, a coach/parent or official, should be notified immediately of such conditions and the participant will refuse to participate.
  4. Each participant is to be properly insured and/or pay all medical costs in the event of an injury and in the case of emergency must provide a contact person for each minor participant. Furthermore assume all risks and accept personal responsibility for damages on account of injury, death or damage to property, caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the release.
  5. Release, waive, and agree not to sue, Championship Sports Inc. and Michigan Cross Country, meet directors, staff or volunteers of the organizations, if applicable, owners and leasers of the tournament sites, which are all released from demands, losses or damages on account of injury, death or damage to property, caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the release.
  6. If injury or illness occurs while competing in the 2024 Championships and tournament event, I authorize emergency first aid, medical treatment, medication or surgery necessary by medical personnel.
  7. I give my permission for the participants listed below to be used in any middle school cross country championship, regional meets and Championship Sports, Inc. promotions. This includes pictures, interviews, television, radio or film coverage during any of the regional and state competition, events without compensation to me.
  8. This waiver / agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, and assigns of all the undersigned.
  9. I have read and fully understand all forms, rules, procedures and policy dealing with the Michigan Cross Country 2024 Championships.